Enemy Death Animations -Kelsey 11/1/23

There was bug of the enemy monsters still getting up and aiming towards the base after the death animation played. The first implementation of the death animations were to disable character movement, play the death animation montage, spawn the magic orbs + currency, then destroy the actor. I had create animation montages for each monster out of the animation assets we are using and in the settings of the animation montages disabled the auto blend out so that the model shouldn't blend into the standing animation. This functionality did not work and the monster would still get back up after being dead and the death animation playing.

There was a couple solutions I had to implement to this functionality. The first solution was to do all of the death animation functionality in the base enemy class instead of the separate child monster classes. Doing this I set up a variable for which death animation should play and set that in the child class. I also had to have the delay before destroying the actor be just the time it was to play the animation, because when I had set it for a longer time the character would try to move again. The most important solution was that I had to add another disable character movement class after the delay so that the delay wouldn't restart the enemies movements. Below you can see the monster in the death animation and how it stayed in that position.

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