Enemy Projectile Overlapping - Kelsey 12/06/2023

We had a bug that when an enemy was standing behind another enemy the first enemy's projectile would hit the second and the projectile would disappear as if shooting the other enemy. The functionality that we originally had was in the event hit function in the projectile class. This would check if the other comp that the projectile was hitting was another projectile or if the other comp implemented any of our damage interfaces, but there was no check for if it was hitting a fellow enemy.

I needed to include a check on the other comp to see if the actor had the tag enemy. If it didn't it would continue to the other checks, but if it did I added an Ignore Actor when Moving call that was attached to the sphere and the parameter for actor was the other comp. This was originally set up to check back into if the other comp implemented any of the damage interfaces but this caused errors because it was essentially called twice. To fix this I needed to take away that call back into checking if the other comp implemented any damage interfaces, because this would be called the second time a projectile would hit something. Below I have the updated functioning blueprint code, and a video of the enemy projectiles shooting and not hitting the enemy in front of them.

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