Player Model Animation Blueprint - Kelsey 11/15/2023

I had found a new model for the player character and wanted to be able to use it as a mesh instead of the provided one on unreal. In order to add the mesh it needed to have it's own animation blueprint that did the same work as the abp_manny that is provided with unreal using the third person character. It was better to change the third person's character instead of making a new player blueprint because in a lot of our code we reference the third person character as the player. On my initial set up of trying to copy over the same functionality in the manny animation blueprint to the new player model blueprint I was having issues with matching the functionality because the skeleton's weird the same. The initial transfer manipulated the new player model in a weird way.

After looking through I found that the manny animation blueprint uses a control rig. In order for this to work with the new player model I had to create a control rig for the new player model that mimicked the one for the manny model. In order to do this I had to look at the bones on the skeletons of each model to make sure that were they are being used is the same place, but they had different names and hierarchies. After looking over the bones in each skeleton I was able to make a control rig that was similar to the manny model for the player model. And the new animation blueprint worked the same after changing the animations that were playing. 

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